MOM Blog



MOMS OF Autistic Kids

about ME


The Calm Mom Coach

Providing moms with strategies that create more ease.


Hear From This Client after Working with me for Just 2 months

“I'm calmer, happier, more relaxed, more open and more genuinely connected!"

“I've been participating in Aerica's Group coaching program for two months, and it has become a happy milestone each week. Her methods have been crucial in helping me navigate day-to-day anxieties in healthier, more productive ways. My family has noticed, but more importantly, *I* have noticed how I feel on the inside. I'm calmer, happier, more relaxed, more open and more genuinely connected with the people I love.”

Misty Mills
Certified Professional Dog Trainer

Jaala was living an unfulfilled life but now she loves her life more!



"I worked with Aerica for 7 months, and I tell all of my Type A female friends to run, not walk, to work with her. Aerica has a way of connecting with you, I do not feel judged, and she provides so many tools to help you learn how to process your thoughts, and, for me, finally feel my feelings.

I learned to take accountability for my actions in all types of relationships, show grace and compassion towards myself, and am finally learning how to set boundaries in my personal relationships.

I will always be a work in progress, but being in a constant state of stress and fight-or-flight mode has decreased substantially since working with Aerica. She is an absolute pleasure to work with. She walks the walk, does her own work, and is changing lives one person at a time.

Thank you, Aerica!”

Selina Billington
Estate Planning Attorney

“I was Struggling with all of these roles and feeling like I was drowning every day!”


"I felt like I had known her for years as she is so easy to talk to. Being a Business Owner, Wife, Mom, and Friend, I was struggling with juggling all of these roles and feeling like I was drowning every day. Aerica has given me tools to help navigate hard situations and has also taught me to give myself grace. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me since starting her program and implementing the things I have learned from her. If you are looking for a Life Coach, especially if you are a Type A Personality such as myself, Aerica is it!”

Ashley Smith
Roofing Company Owner


I have a type-A personality and my husband is the exact opposite. I'm always taking charge and wanting things done my way because my way is faster and feels more efficient. This was causing a lot of tension and resentment in my marriage. Thankfully I found Aerica who was able to show me that not everyone is the same and that's ok. She has shown me how to think first before reacting which has helped communication with my husband. ” 

Heather Smith
Nurse Practitioner/Med-Spa Owner

Hear From This Client after Making Major Changes In HEr Life

“Aerica has given me tools I need to help me prioritize my life!”


Aerica has helped me to find my true self again. I allowed stress and the actions of others to control me. I felt as though I was losing control of my life. Aerica has given me the tools need to help me prioritize my life. Her method of coaching has given me the ability to focus on what I can control, while building up my confidence and self worth. Aerica is an absolute blessing.”

Dr. Shelinta Perez
Curriculum Director

“Simply put, I felt like I was facing the world alone and needed help on managing stress levels and approaching various life circumstances with a healthy mental perspective.  

Specifically, I was dealing with issues in my marriage regarding past instances of infidelity, issues with work, and also internal self-esteem issues that made me feel worthless. The frustration my life circumstances were causing me made me feel overwhelmed, unable, and alone. 

What was different about Aerica and her services is that she listens. She provides a realistic perspective for your thoughts and helps you discover the underlying thought. She is also easily relatable and truly understanding. 

I realized Aerica was helping solve my problems when my reactions and responses to the issues changed.  "


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“I am a mid 40's wife (of 29 years); mother of 3 (2 biological, 1 special needs bonus babe); grandmother of 2; entrepreneur and mom with a demanding job.

I was a type A, perfectionist trying to keep from drowning in the sea of everyday life. Everyone's go-to person, while trying to navigate my struggles with working through forgiveness and feeling "stuck" within my marriage.  So often I viewed things from my perspective or how I would handle things.  I rarely took the time/opportunity to really delve into my emotions or why certain things triggered me and why at times I was truly unhappy.

I felt as though I was being swallowed up by everything and everyone.  Like I was just walking through life on autopilot, being the "doer" I tend to be, everyone just taking from me and what I had to give.  Always putting everyone else's wants/needs ahead of my own and then being hurt/resentful when I didn't receive the same treatment in return."

S. Washington
Corporate planning Coordinator

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“I have always been an intense person, and trying to ignore my emotions away caused an unhealthy buildup, so they began spilling over into many areas of life. I also felt a lot of stress about things that may or may not happen, tended to take responsibility for other people's issues that were out of my control, and bogged down in a lot of over-thinking/negative self-talk. All this mind-drama was taking a lot of time and energy and sucking the joy out of life. It was also creating unnecessary friction in my relationships.

My frustration and emotional imbalance felt like quicksand. The harder I worked to will myself out, the deeper I sank into the mire, and the more tightly restricted I felt."


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“I have always been an intense person, and trying to ignore my emotions away caused an unhealthy buildup, so they began spilling over into many areas of life.

I also felt a lot of stress about things that may or may not happen, tended to take responsibility for other people's issues that were out of my control, and bogged down in a lot of over-thinking/negative self-talk. All this mind-drama was taking a lot of time and energy and sucking the joy out of life. It was also creating unnecessary friction in my relationships.

My frustration and emotional imbalance felt like quicksand. The harder I worked to will myself out, the deeper I sank into the mire, and the more tightly restricted I felt. 

 Without delving too deeply into the whys, Aerica offered a practical framework to evaluate the source of my frustrations and negative feelings, let go of things outside my control, and find what resonated with me, for my situation. Aerica asked insightful questions and always made sure you were guiding, providing guardrails, without pushing.

 Aerica helped me find my own answers. Aerica offered perspective that allowed me to progress in a way I couldn't on my own without ever trying to impose a prepackaged idea or force any answers that didn't feel true for me. Coming to a conclusion that really resonates is critical for sustainability, and Aerica was as committed to that as I was. 

 When during a heated conversation or moments of irritation or emotion, I started finding myself pausing to mentally go through the modeling exercise and apply it real time, I knew this had been well worth the time and effort spent! 

Life still happens, but I am now more resilient. In addition to working through the initial issues, I really appreciated the perspectives and insights on emotional eating and a framework for a healthy, sustainable food choices. 

This program will provide the tools. Aerica will help you examine and adjust. This is about retraining your brain and creating more healthy, productive thought patterns. Like anything, the more you dedicate yourself to putting in the work, to being honest with yourself, and to giving yourself a little grace as you learn, the more impactful the outcome. 

Aerica can't do the work for you, but she will be there to weigh in, to call out areas where you may need to fine tune, and to support your efforts. Let's face it, for real results, it takes hard work and brutal honesty with ourselves. It's nice to have a lifeline, roadmap, and a cheerleader when you're fighting through a tough spot. I would highly recommend Aerica, and I feel so grateful she was recommended to me.”  


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“Simply put, I felt like I was facing the world alone and needed help on managing stress levels and approaching various life circumstances with a healthy mental perspective.  

Specifically, I was dealing with issues in my marriage regarding past instances of infidelity, issues with work, and also internal self-esteem issues that made me feel worthless. The frustration my life circumstances were causing me made me feel overwhelmed, unable, and alone. 

What was different about Aerica and her services is that she listens. She provides a realistic perspective for your thoughts and helps you discover the underlying thought. She is also easily relatable and truly understanding. She also cares deeply for her clients and it's reflected in how she communicates and makes time to address her clients' concerns. 

I realized Aerica was helping solve my problems when my reactions and responses to the issues changed. My two favorite quotes of hers is "Does this serve you?" and "How sad is it?" Both of these phrases have helped me so much to change my thoughts from negative to positive. As she's also stated, life is 50% positive and 50% negative. I've learned to respond to the negatives without more than a simple acknowledgement that they exist and move forward.”  


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“I am a mid 40's wife (of 29 years); mother of 3 (2 biological, 1 special needs bonus babe); grandmother of 2; entrepreneur and mom with a demanding job.

I was a type A, perfectionist trying to keep from drowning in the sea of everyday life. Everyone's go-to person, while trying to navigate my struggles with working through forgiveness and feeling "stuck" within my marriage.  So often I viewed things from my perspective or how I would handle things.  I rarely took the time/opportunity to really delve into my emotions or why certain things triggered me and why at times I was truly unhappy.

I felt as though I was being swallowed up by everything and everyone.  Like I was just walking through life on autopilot, being the "doer" I tend to be, everyone just taking from me and what I had to give.  Always putting everyone else's wants/needs ahead of my own and then being hurt/resentful when I didn't receive the same treatment in return.

Aerica you provide a wealth of practical knowledge.  Not only were you readily able to see the issues/problems, you gave the "technical" term or the reason for why I may be experiencing some things and how I could change the experience.  You gave examples and shared your own process and how it may be applicable to me.  You gave a different perspective that I never considered which caused me to begin to get more "curious" about people and my interactions with them.  Being more curious has resulted in me giving more grace, listening and gaining better understanding of myself as well as those I interact with.

When you challenged me to consistently look within myself to find out what makes me happy and put words to my feelings.  Not once had I ever considered myself, so why should others consider me?  I had to begin to be truthful and honest with myself and forgive myself and then others.”  

S. Washington(TEXAS)
Corporate Planning Coordinator

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