MOM Blog



MOMS OF Autistic Kids

about ME


The Calm Mom Coach

Providing moms with strategies that create more ease.

Over 15 years back, I felt stuck in a marriage that didn't work for me. Battling depression, I craved a better life while grappling with my faith amid life's chaos.

Driven for change, I immersed myself in books, classes, and coaching that not only transformed my life but revitalized my marriage. Shedding weight and getting into the best shape ever, I began guiding others to do the same.

My clients vary—from the overwhelmed seeking a better life to those feeling empty despite therapy, and even those facing a single stubborn issue. No matter where you stand, I'm here to help.

For years, I've supported women in finding serenity, nurturing relationships, shedding limiting thoughts, and achieving their dreams.
Navigating life's highs and lows, including caring for my autistic bonus child, taught me that life isn't all sunshine. Yet, I've learned to endure tough moments without making them my home. Challenges are inevitable, but how we handle them defines our peace and life quality.

Ready for a new perspective? I'm here to guide you. Let's find peace amid the uncontrollable.

If loving your life more and shedding overwhelm is your aim, count on me.

Prioritizing yourself? I'm your ally.

Empowering you to live the life you deserve? I've not only done it for myself but also for countless others.

You can always find me dancing. Hip Hop is literally my jam.  I will be that 80-year old embarrassing my kids and grands bouncing to the bass.


Reading takes me to my happy place. 

MY Skincare

MY Coke Please


Getting on a bike that goes nowhere is SOOO satisfying and rewarding.



Hand-crafted cocktails are definitely refreshing, especially when coupled with music or a good book.
Strong but sweet "I want to feel it not taste it" is my motto.

MY Music


Nothing is more delightful than an ice cold Coke!
Warm Cokes on ice are of satan and 
Pepsi is downright disrespectful.

My Books


Drunk Elephant has the most amazing product line.  As a  50-year old, quenching my thirsty skin is essential. 

MY CocktailS


My Must Haves