MOM Blog



MOMS OF Autistic Kids

about ME


The Calm Mom Coach

Providing moms with strategies that create more ease.

Are YOU worth it?

In life we are quick to say, “I love myself. I’m worth it!”

However, our actions don’t line up with our talk.

Your marriage has probably been struggling for a while but it looks great.

So you settle for a marriage that looks amazing on the outside but feels empty on the inside.

You will tell yourself you are worth more but won’t actually do what it takes to transform your marriage.

You’ve read the books, listen to podcasts, etc. but it hasn’t worked. So you just give up and continue down the path of an uninspiring and mediocre marriage.

Many of you will fail at transforming your marriage.

You will have good intentions for helping your marriage.

You truly want better connection and communication.

You will put off solving this.

Making a change will become I’ll do it later.

You will relegate yourself to a life of unfulfillment.

And for most later will become never.


You still hold on to the hope that you can change him.

But here are the facts for some of you…

You will continue to co-exist in the house with another human being.

You will look back in 5 years and wish something was different.

You find time to take care of everyone else.

Find time for YOU.

Are YOU worth trying to figure out your next steps?

Are YOU worth doing all you can to become your best version?

Is your future worth fighting for?

Are YOU worth working on two of your most important and influential relationships? The relationship you have with yourself and your husband.

Whether you make your next steps with me or with someone else.

Just do it.

YOU are worth it!

Decide today you will make yourself a priority.

Decide today you will make your marriage a priority.

Decide today that you will be all in until you figure it out.

Decide today that you will create a life of peace, joy, fulfillment, and love.

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