MOM Blog



MOMS OF Autistic Kids

about ME


The Calm Mom Coach

Providing moms with strategies that create more ease.

Let’s chat about something that significantly impacts how you respond and react to those you love – regulating your emotions. It’s more than just managing anger; it’s about creating a calmer, more peaceful environment for yourself and your family. You’ve promised yourself you’re going to stop yelling, snapping, and mentally spiraling when something happens. The […]

If people in my house stopped doing stupid things, I wouldn’t yell!

Workaholics and Perfectionist… Let’s chat about something I think many of us struggle with: the art of just being. know, not throwing a load in the wash, not answering one more email, not scrolling through social media, just relaxing without guilt. It’s a challenge, right? But it’s so important. For workaholics with perfectionist tendencies it’s […]

Less doing and more being

Last week, as I started my car, the gas light came on, and I was upset. I never let my tank go below 1/4 full – something my parents instilled in me. I don’t like being late. I don’t like my tank on empty. I don’t like pumping gas on my way somewhere because I […]

I would really love you more if you change

Most overwhelmed moms would describe their burnout level as well-done, crispy fried. Burnout and overwhelm are widespread, particularly among moms managing numerous responsibilities. Through years of coaching, I’ve discovered that achieving true balance requires three essential elements: a Calm Mind®, Calm Body®, and Calm Love®. Many individuals unknowingly focus on one or two pillars, but […]

Is Your Burnout Level Crispy Fried?

Today marks a celebration of love, but for many, not feeling like a priority happens everyday, and for some today is no exception. For years, my husband, John, was consumed by work, often putting in 70 plus hours a week. This posed a significant issue for me quality time was my love language. Our disagreements […]

When You Don’t Feel Like a Priority

Are you grappling with what I call, Mama Drama? This “Mom”-entous Drama is with the one who brought you into this world. Your relationship with your mom might be smooth sailing, but there may be another close relationship that often puts you to the test. These people and their actions I like to call instigators. […]

Struggling with Drama from your Mama?

Do you have a Sour Patch Kid? Sometimes they’re sour, and other times they’re sweet. This is my Sour Patch Kid. For parents of teenagers and pre-teens (and sometimes adult kids), this analogy might hit home all too well. Sweet and sour is my life with my 16-year-old daughter.  One moment, she is sharing her […]

Do you have a sour patch kid?

Are you living under a constant threat that if one thing goes wrong, it will ruin your entire day? If so, keep reading. A lot of clients come to me and have a “picture-perfect” life but are barely staying afloat. My clients have achieved success in their life and/or career. They have their dream house […]

If One Thing Goes Wrong Does It Ruin Your Day?

Almost every wife has felt some disconnection at some point in their marriage. This is normal. However, when the disconnection lasts for an extended period of time, it’s problematic. I get it. Marriage is one of the most difficult relationships to navigate. Your husband doesn’t come with a user’s manual and neither do you. If […]

Disconnected From Your Husband?

I posted this video to IG last week. Many clients come to me with a consistency issue but that’s not their issue. There is a problem behind the problem. They are consistent in going to work, picking up the kids, eating, etc. So consistency isn’t the problem. Do you know the real problem behind the […]

What’s your problem behind the problem?

As I scrolled Instagram this morning, I saw this on a T-shirt, she believed she could, but she needed a break so she said, NO! This was the perfect quote for my client, Jaala. Jaala is director of HR overseeing hundreds of employees. She has two amazing boys and was always in go mode. I’ve […]

The Art of Self-Love

If we aren’t careful, our days can easily merge into an indistinct haze. Combine this with neglecting self-care, bearing a heavy mental load, and tackling an endless list of tasks, and you’re on a fast track to feeling overwhelmed and burned out. Before you know it, you might find yourself questioning your identity and desires. […]

4 Things to Decrease Overwhelm Right Now!

“I have everything most people want, an amazing family, nice home, cars; I even have a vacation home but I’m still not happy. I know I should be grateful but I’m not.” This was my client when she first found me. She felt unfulfilled in her marriage, trapped, and alone. Her and her husband just […]

I Should Be Grateful But I’m Not…

I normally don’t blog on Saturdays, but today, I felt compelled to write while everything is fresh in my mind. If you follow or know me, you’re aware that my bonus baby (my cousin) is autistic, and we’ve been caring for him for two years now. Every day brings its own challenges—some great, some good, […]

When It’s a S#&^!@ Situation

Unrealistic expectations of others doesn’t bring you peace. I’ve been coaching on the side for years, if you ask some of my friends and family for decades. I finally went full time a few years ago. I have some family/friends who refer me like crazy and for you I’m grateful. When I first went full […]

Does this bring you pain too?

When you can't control what's happening, challenge yourself to control the was you respond to what's happening.  That's where YOUR power is.